Home » British Intelligence Has Revealed a Major Movement of Russian Troops After the Explosion of the Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Power Station
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British Intelligence Has Revealed a Major Movement of Russian Troops After the Explosion of the Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Power Station

Undermining the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station allowed Russian troops to redeploy and strengthen other areas. Moscow believes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not be able to force the Dnieper.

As noted in the report, in the past ten days, Russia has most likely begun to transfer parts of its Dnepr group of troops from the eastern bank of the Dnieper to reinforce the Zaporozhye and Bakhmut areas.

According to British intelligence, the transfer will potentially involve several thousand soldiers of the 49th Army, including its 34th separate motorized rifle brigade, as well as units of the airborne and marine corps.

“The redeployment of the Dnepr group likely reflects Russia’s view that a major Ukrainian attack across the Dnieper is now less likely after the collapse of the Kakhovka dam and the resulting flooding,” the British Defense Ministry said.

Undermining the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station

The Kakhovka hydroelectric plant, which had been under Russian control since the February 24 invasion, was blown up in the early hours of June 6, sending floodwaters into the war zone in southern Ukraine, destroying farmland and cutting off the water supply to most of the population.

Experts at the international human rights law firm Global Rights Compliance are 80% sure that it was the Russians who committed the bombing , although they deny it.

In addition, the Russians refused to grant UN access to the left-bank areas of the Kherson region, which suffered from the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.

In early June, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive in several directions . As of today, they have already dismissed 8 settlements in Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions.

Source : rbc.ua
