Home » Awi Zone Amhara Region : At Least  60 Civilians Killed Over Three Days
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Awi Zone Amhara Region : At Least  60 Civilians Killed Over Three Days

Reports indicate that at least sixty civilians have been killed in the Awi zone of the Amhara regional state within the past three days.

Ethiopian Media Service (EMS), based in the U.S., reported on Saturday that it had spoken to residents from the area who confirmed the occurrences. Of the total casualties, 36 were reported in the Ayu Gugsa district, while the remaining victims were killed  in Zigem district.

According to residents interviewed by EMS via phone, allegations point to the involvement of the Ethiopian Defense Force and the Agaw Shengo group in the killings. The latter group, formerly an ally of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), had previously engaged in conflict against the Ethiopian Defense Force during the war between the Federal government and the TPLF.

EMS noted that attempts to solicit remarks from authorities regarding the incident proved unsuccessful.

Human Rights organizations, both domestically and internationally, have linked the Ethiopian Defense Force to widespread human rights abuses in the Amhara region, citing instances of extrajudicial executions and shelling of residential areas with artillery. Additionally, drone strikes are reported to be extensively used in the region, predominantly affecting civilian populations.

Meanwhile, communities in Gojam, Gondar, Wollo, and Shewa continue to feel the heat from the fighting between the Ethiopian Defense Force and Fano Forces.  

Notably, intense fighting occurred in the Wollo region between Wuchale and Haik,, particularly in Haik, located approximately thirty kilometers north of Dessie town, on Friday and Saturday.

Earlier in the week, Fano forces briefly gained control of Lalibela in Wollo, but government soldiers successfully recaptured the area on Friday. Religious leaders are expressing grave concern that the fighting in the area is impacting the safety of the historical Lalibela churches.

Source : Borkena
