Home » ADB to Allocate $93 Million for Human Capital Development in Uzbekistan
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ADB to Allocate $93 Million for Human Capital Development in Uzbekistan

Minister of Employment and Poverty Reduction Bekhzod Musaev met with the Senior Director of the Human and Social Development Department of the Asian Development Bank, Ayako Inagaki, Azernews reports, citing Kun.uz news agency.

At the meeting, the parties exchanged views on the implementation of the agreement between Uzbekistan and the ADB on the Skills Development for a Modern Economy project. The total cost of the project is estimated at $93 million and it is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of industries in Uzbekistan, promoting inclusive growth through vocational training for youth and the unemployed population.

The project will also contribute to the development of human resources as a skilled workforce in such sectors as construction, textile and clothing industry, information and communication technologies, agribusiness and food industry, as well as machine and equipment service.​

Source : Azernews
