Home » It Became Known About the New Tactics of Russian High-Precision Strikes in the NVO Zone
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It Became Known About the New Tactics of Russian High-Precision Strikes in the NVO Zone

Military expert Shurygin spoke about the new tactics of high-precision strikes of the RF Armed Forces in the NVO zone

Military expert Vladislav Shurygin, in an interview with Izvestia, spoke about the new tactics of high-precision strikes of the Russian Armed Forces in the zone of a special military operation (NVO).

It became known that the Russian military changed tactics in May and shifted efforts from infrastructure to defeating reserves and warehouses.

“It can be assumed that our intelligence has become better at tracking the movement of reserves, including to the front line,” the specialist added.

According to Shurygin, the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) has moved from the planning stage to preparation, the redeployment of units, ammunition and other military materials to the front line has begun.

In turn, the Russian military began to fight with the rear echelons, which will complicate the preparation for attacks by the Ukrainian army, the expert concluded.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense reported that Russian troops launched a strike with long-range, sea- and air-based high-precision weapons at points of temporary deployment of reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as at ammunition depots.

It also became known that the bomber aircraft of the Russian group of troops “Center” in the Krasnolimansk direction hit the pontoon crossing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Source : Lenta
