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Kagame, Ndayishimiye attend regional talks on DR Congo

President Paul Kagame on Wednesday participated in a meeting convened by East Africa Community (EAC) Chair and Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye, to review and exchange views on the implementation of Luanda Roadmap and Nairobi Peace Process.

Both frameworks seek to find a lasting solution to the security situation in DR Congo, particularly in the restive eastern part of the country.

The talks took place in Washington D.C, United States on the sidelines of the US-Africa leaders summit.

Also in attendance were Angola President Joao Lourenco, who is also the mediator between DR Congo and Rwanda (a process that led to the Luanda Roadmap), as well as Uganda President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

Other leaders in attendance include Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu and Kenya’s President William Ruto.

A notable absentee was DR Congo President Felix Tshisekedi, who was also in Washington for the US-Africa leaders summit.

The meeting comes in the wake of new evidence showing combatants of the genocidal FDLR militia fighting alongside DR Congo army, FARDC, an alliance that has long been denounced by Kigali.

FDLR is an internationally blacklisted terrorist group which was founded by remnants of the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, after they fled to DR Congo over 28 years ago.

Source : The New Times
