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New Portuguese ambassadors for Cape Verde and Australia


The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has appointed the current director-general of the Directorate-General for National Defense Policy, Paulo Lourenço, as ambassador in Cape Verde, replacing António Moniz, who is to go to Australia.

According to the presidential decree published in the Diário da República, Paulo Jorge Lopes Lourenço, second-class plenipotentiary minister, was appointed, at the proposal of the Government, to the position of ambassador of Portugal in the city of Praia.

A career diplomat since 1995, Paulo Lourenço has worked at the Portuguese embassies in Luanda, London, Sarajevo, and Belgrade. Between 2012 and 2018 he was Consul General in São Paulo.


Paulo Lourenço was born on March 10, 1972, in Angola, and since February 2020 he has headed the Directorate-General for National Defense Policy, a function in which he negotiated the new Defense framework program between Portugal and Cape Verde for the period 2022 to 2026.

In another presidential decree, the first-class plenipotentiary minister António Manuel Albuquerque de Vilhena Moniz is exonerated from the position of ambassador of Portugal, functions he had held since March 2020, moving from consul general in Paris.

A third presidential decree also appoints, on a proposal from the Government, António Moniz to the position of Ambassador of Portugal in Canberra, Australia.

Source : The Portugal News
