Home » Rogov Announced One of the Most Powerful Strikes on Ukraine Since the Beginning of the NWO
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Rogov Announced One of the Most Powerful Strikes on Ukraine Since the Beginning of the NWO

Rogov announced attacks on warehouses and positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Orekhov, Zaporozhye region

A massive blow is being dealt to the Ukrainian territories controlled by Kiev . This was announced in his Telegram channel by the head of the movement “We are together with Russia ” Vladimir Rogov .

According to him, “this is one of the most, if not the most massive use of kamikaze UAVs and cruise missiles in recent months.” Thus, explosions are heard in the Ukrainian capital, as well as in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Kirovograd, Odessa, Nikolaev regions. He also clarified that warehouses and positions of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (APU) in Orekhov , Zaporozhye region, were hit.

In turn, RT indicates that the current shelling can be considered the most massive since the start of the NWO. The TV channel claims that the entire central part of Ukraine is now under intense attack.

TASS reports that the third wave of explosions has sounded in Kiev since midnight.

Source : Lenta
