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Vucic Spoke About the Growing Pressure on Serbia on the Issue of Anti-russian Sanctions

Alexander Vucic. Photo: Tomas Tkacik / Globallookpress.com

Vučić is confident in the growing pressure on Serbia on the issue of imposing sanctions against Russia

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, in an interview with Serbian Radio and Television, expressed confidence that Western states would continue to increase pressure on Belgrade on the issue of imposing sanctions against Russia .

“It will get worse, yes, there is pressure from outside and will be even stronger, especially in June. We were required to impose sanctions, but I make decisions and bear responsibility for them,” he said.

The head of state believes that the world will never again be unipolar, noting that he hopes for multipolarity. He also pointed to the growing influence of China and expressed the opinion that the issue of Taiwan will be resolved soon.

Vučić added that he is pleased with the good relations with Russia and is proud that Serbia is one of the few countries with its own independent politics.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that unprecedented pressure was being exerted on Serbia because of its relations with Russia. He also stressed that the Kremlin will closely monitor the joint exercises of Serbia and NATO “Platinum Wolf”.

Source: lenta.ru
